Welcome April-ANN

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April is a big project with the purpose of develop an awesome toolkit for pattern recognition tasks :)

Currently, only doxygen documentation for developer and user reference manual are avialabe:

Includes these sources


First, it is mandatory to configure (only the first time) the repo PATH and other stuff:

$ . configure.sh

Second, you could compile the april version which you need. We have developed compiling files for use different libraries. It is simple, you do

$ make TARGET

where TARGET is one of the following, depending on which version you want:

  • ATLAS: release/debug
  • Intel MKL: release-mkl/debug-mkl
  • Intel MKL + CUDA: release-cuda-mkl/debug-cuda-mkl
  • Mac OS X Accelerate Framework: release-macosx/debug-macosx

Each of this targets will need a little configuration depending on your library installation. For example, in order to compile with MKL, the file build_mkl_release.lua contains the following sections:

  global_flags = {
    use_lstrip = "no",
    optimization = "yes",
    platform = "unix",
      -- For Intel MKL :)
      -- For Intel MKL :)

You need to especify the -I option to the compiler, and all the extra_libs stuff related with MKL. Exists one build file for each possible target: build_release.lua, build_debug.lua, build_mkl_release.lua, build_mkl_debug.lua, ... and so on.


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$ cd your_repo_root/repo_name
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout gh-pages

If you're using the GitHub for Mac, simply sync your repository and you'll see the new branch.

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